
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2021


Today it was time for creative technology lessons again. We learnt about many different apps to elaborate quizzes for students. There's so many that it's hard to choose which ones were  more interesting to me.  We used plickers, quizlet,  kahoot, quizizz...  And so on. I'm sure they'll become useful tools for me in the near future.   After the lessons I took a bus to Golden Bay area.  We stayed at Riviera Beach the whole afternoon. The water was great and the seaview was quite charming, specially during the sunset.    


Today was a special day, we didn't have to attend to the course because we had an excursion programmed to the National Aquarium of Malta 😎 To get to the aquarium we took a walk along the promenade for about an hour.  Once we got there we saw many different fish,  reptiles and amphibians. It was great! And now I really feel like scuba diving in the island, so I'll definitely go for it before I get back to Spain.  During the aquarium visit I met a couple school mates who wanted to visit Valletta. Last night I wasn't able to see more than a few streets so I decided to join them. We spent the whole afternoon strolling around the town and we even had time to take a bath in a small beach we found.   


 Today I found difficult to wake up cause I was feeling tired from yesterday... but after a nice breakfast at the hotel I was ready for my second day at Alpha school!  At the school we learnt about three different applications with many different tools and resources for hybrid teaching.  The apps we were introduced to are classkick, thinglink and  blendspace.  All of them are quite interesting for teaching purposes and I'm sure I'll use them when I get back to Spain.  Afterwards I got a couple pastizzi (which I'm getting addicted to) and then I took a siesta to get ready for my evening excursion to Valletta, Mdina and Mosta.   Pastizzi and Kinnie drink    So I took this night excursion and I really enjoyed what I have the chance to see.  Mdina ad Valletta are beautiful cities. The problem was that the  tour guide was all the time in a rush and we expent more time on the bus than on the cities,  specially in Valletta,which is a shame...so I wouldn't recommend this tour t


Today I started my lessons on Alpha school.  For the first time in the last 5 years I'm not the teacher, but the student!  And it feels good! I had a nice breakfast at the hotel to begin the day full of energy... or basically full of food,  which is good enough for me.  Later I went to the school.  I found the first day of the course quite interesting and we learnt about different apps to use in our lessons. I found"Nearpod" a really useful tool for teaching.  In the afternoon I went to Blue Grotto, a beautiful clift area where I had the chance to snorkel among fish. The only problem was to get there... I had to take 2 buses and it took and hour and a half to get there and the same time to come back to St. Paul area. 

Introducing myself

 Hi everyone!    My name is Jaime and I'm an English language teacher coming from Spain.  I teach English at primary education stage and during the last scholar year I had the chance to participate on an etwinning project. This project gave me the chance to enroll in a Erasmus+ program so I ended up in Malta! I'll expend the next week learning about new methods and technologies applyed to language learning in Alpha School of English. But that's not all! After my lessons I'll try to find time to visit the most beautiful spots on the island. Join me on my journey of discovery and share this amazing experience with me.                                                               Jaime